家乡: Concord, Massachusetts
Groton activities: Varsity soccer, varsity basketball, Lit Club
Most surprising when you first arrived at Groton: Coming from public school, I was shocked at how ready, not to mention excited, my teachers were to meet with me outside of class, discuss extra material, and even help with other subjects. 我来到易胜博app安卓下载时,还是一个在课堂上从未真正受到挑战的学生. Needless to say, I have now been challenged and continue to be—in schoolwork, 体育, and in most other facets of life at Groton. This is the kind of place where you grow—you are pushed, hard. 易胜博app安卓下载能够将严谨的学术与以教学为第一要务的杰出教师结合起来. The connections I have made with my teachers are extraordinary. 我将永远感激有机会体验享受学习的感觉, to enjoy being challenged, and even to enjoy failure.
Favorite class: I am torn between Third Form biology with Mr. Belsky and honors chemistry with LV (Dr. Lamarre-Vincent). Both classes were amazing for me (obviously a science person), 我完全被我们在LV的课堂上进行的讨论以及与Mr. 贝尔斯基,最著名的是猪的实践,我们解剖胎儿猪. 如果这听起来非常可怕和恶心,不要害怕——你绝对不是一个人. 但我保证,一旦你进入那里,真正开始探索,这将是你(学校)生活中最好的经历之一!
Most memorable Groton moment: It may sound cliché, but beating St. 马克参加了我高三的最后一场足球比赛,这是我永远不会忘记的记忆. Almost two years later, 我还能清楚地回忆起乘坐长途公共汽车时那种焦虑的期待, the pre-game nerves, the exhilaration when we scored at the end of the second half, and the shouts and laughter when the final whistle was blown. 我还记得当一大群球迷冲进球场尖叫着祝贺我时,我跑过去拥抱队友的喜悦. I also remember the sadness that hit me. Standing there with my teammates, many of whom would never set foot on this pitch again, I wondered what the team would look like without them. 我想,这些时刻之所以深深地铭刻在我的记忆中,是因为它们引发了不同层次的情感. 我们在对手的主场击败了对手,有大约100名球迷为我们加油,我非常高兴, 但这一天也有一些悲伤的因素:毕业生们在返回校园的路上一路哭泣, the speeches and posters. 这是他们最后的欢呼,而且似乎总是伴随着一个人.
Favorite Dining Hall food: Chicken tikka masala or tacos
Favorite place to study: Room 244, Mr. Martinez’s classroom