Zebra Tales

Maddie '24

家乡: Concord, Massachusetts 
Groton activities: Varsity soccer, varsity basketball, Lit Club
Most surprising when you first arrived at Groton: Coming from public school, I was shocked at how ready, not to mention excited, my teachers were to meet with me outside of class, discuss extra material, and even help with other subjects. 我来到易胜博app安卓下载时,还是一个在课堂上从未真正受到挑战的学生. Needless to say, I have now been challenged and continue to be—in schoolwork, 体育, and in most other facets of life at Groton. This is the kind of place where you grow—you are pushed, hard. 易胜博app安卓下载能够将严谨的学术与以教学为第一要务的杰出教师结合起来. The connections I have made with my teachers are extraordinary. 我将永远感激有机会体验享受学习的感觉, to enjoy being challenged, and even to enjoy failure.
Favorite class: I am torn between Third Form biology with Mr. Belsky and honors chemistry with LV (Dr. Lamarre-Vincent). Both classes were amazing for me (obviously a science person), 我完全被我们在LV的课堂上进行的讨论以及与Mr. 贝尔斯基,最著名的是猪的实践,我们解剖胎儿猪. 如果这听起来非常可怕和恶心,不要害怕——你绝对不是一个人. 但我保证,一旦你进入那里,真正开始探索,这将是你(学校)生活中最好的经历之一!
Most memorable Groton moment: It may sound cliché, but beating St. 马克参加了我高三的最后一场足球比赛,这是我永远不会忘记的记忆. Almost two years later, 我还能清楚地回忆起乘坐长途公共汽车时那种焦虑的期待, the pre-game nerves, the exhilaration when we scored at the end of the second half, and the shouts and laughter when the final whistle was blown. 我还记得当一大群球迷冲进球场尖叫着祝贺我时,我跑过去拥抱队友的喜悦. I also remember the sadness that hit me. Standing there with my teammates, many of whom would never set foot on this pitch again, I wondered what the team would look like without them. 我想,这些时刻之所以深深地铭刻在我的记忆中,是因为它们引发了不同层次的情感. 我们在对手的主场击败了对手,有大约100名球迷为我们加油,我非常高兴, 但这一天也有一些悲伤的因素:毕业生们在返回校园的路上一路哭泣, the speeches and posters. 这是他们最后的欢呼,而且似乎总是伴随着一个人. 
Favorite Dining Hall food: Chicken tikka masala or tacos

Favorite place to study: Room 244, Mr. Martinez’s classroom

List of 6 news stories.

  • Sunday Morning Bliss

    This past Sunday I experienced my favorite Groton morning ever.
  • Winter is Here!

    As someone born in the month of February, 这是我的特权来证明冬天是一年中最好的和最美丽的时间. 享受!
  • Basketball Preseason

    我在易胜博app安卓下载的一些最美好的回忆来自冬季季前赛, 当篮球队在感恩节假期期间在校园里多呆几天时.
  • Becoming an Artist


    我想在过去的一周里,我已经被问到这个问题至少一百万次了, 所以我可以绝对肯定地说,我最感兴趣的课程是AP艺术.
  • What is a manager?

  • Look how big the board is! I tried convincing my dad that we needed one in our home... he said no.

    Scrabble Showdown

    "Every man dies; not every man truly Scrabbles."—Scrabble game show on NBC circa 1980s

List of 15 news stories.

  • Who's Here to Celebrate My Success

    有些人可能会认为去寄宿学校是一种孤立的经历. 但是远离你的朋友和家人并不意味着你失去了你在家里感受到的爱和支持. 在易胜博app安卓下载, 我找到了学生和老师,与他们建立了有意义的联系, just as deep and just as strong as those I have at home. These people are not only here for me while I’m on campus. 从学术到体育,他们在我生活的各个方面都给予了我支持.
  • Playing Club Sports While Living at School

    作为一名运动员,我在寄宿学校上学时最常被问到的问题之一是, "How do you continue to play club 体育?"
  • You guessed it, 3!!


    Challenge: how many dogs can you find in each picture?
  • Finley with her tongue out

    小狗 Make the World Go Round

    What's the best thing in the whole wide world? 小狗.
  • The Most Exciting Game I Never Played

  • Letters for Rose

    The community service organization that I joined almost a year ago, Letters for Rose, 是由两个高中女孩创立的,她们的目标是以一种有趣和对新冠病毒友好的方式与老年人建立联系. Since its establishment, “给罗斯的信”已经在几乎每个州甚至其他国家开设了分会. 像我这样的志愿者写信和创作艺术品,我们每两周发出一次. 今年夏天的一个星期,我收到一封电子邮件,感谢我的贡献,并告诉我,我被选为本月的志愿者!
  • Starting Something New

    In the last month of school I sprained my ankle pretty badly. It is a long and gruesome story that involves multiple bears, a couple tigers, and a bloodthirsty landshark. 然而, that tale is (sadly) not the focus of today’s post. 由于脚踝受伤,我回到俱乐部的速度很慢. As I transition into my Fifth Form (junior) year, the beginnings of the recruiting process have been set in motion. 这通常是一段压力很大的时期,即使没有伤病阻止我参加比赛,也不会出现在教练面前.
  • True Genius?

  • 从左到右:Fiona, Dani, Calen, Hannah和Avery(都是23年级的学生)在Dr. C的门廊.

    Best Term at Groton?

    COVID协议和严重的脚踝扭伤让我在拐杖上度过了三个星期,这使得我的春季学期很有趣. 我从没想过有一天我会抱怨易胜博app安卓下载校区的庞大. 然而, the mantra that I have been repeating for the past few months, “see the best in every situation,” has paid off. In fact, this may have been my best and happiest term at Groton!
  • Thank You, Dad

    “MADISON GET IN HERE!” My dad shouts from the other end of the house. 在从僻静的办公室赶往客厅的匆忙中,我差点把电脑掉在地上, 他在那里看疯狂三月的最后一场比赛:斯坦福对亚利桑那. Arizona had just upset UConn, who had been favorites to win this year, and Stanford had only scrapped its way into the final game. This was going to be fun (and fun it was).
  • Home Again

    Coming back to campus was accompanied with a rush of emotions. Most of them are gleefully cheerful, as I am finally able to see my friends and classmates face to face, without staring at a screen for hours on end. 虽然有时连续几个小时戴口罩或在不同的地方吃午饭是令人沮丧的, these frustrations come with a high reward. I continuously find myself sitting in the “bubbles,” the allotted Fourth Form study space, 做作业和和朋友聊天(有时后者有点多), but in difficult times it is necessary to indulge ourselves). When I think back to just a few weeks ago, all I wanted was to be back on campus, and now here I am, home again.
  • Silver Linings

    Needless to say, the pandemic has been extremely hard on everyone.  我自己也在努力寻找回归正常的方法,进入一种不会让我发疯的日常生活. I think we are all searching for an escape, a way to forget about what is going on in the greater world.
  • Here is a picture of me (left) and Karenna (right), enjoying our lunch, and the much needed mask break, before heading off to practice.

    Return to Campus

    I have to admit, 眼看着寄宿生们在上课前一周回到学校,而我却坐在家里,真是一件痛苦的事, locked away in my quarantine cave.
  • A Camping Misadventure

    When I was little my family went camping all the time but, as I got older, weekends became devoted to 体育. 所以今年夏天我妈妈决定我们应该去佛蒙特州进行一次快速的露营旅行, just us and my dad, my younger sister, and our two dogs.
  • Vintage Trip

    A couple days ago, 我妈妈和我逃离了我们的家,去了萨默维尔一家很棒的古董店. 我已经相当不耐烦地等了这么久,想去这家商店(但是,嘿,检疫)。. 我很兴奋终于有机会浏览它的服装选择, 鞋子, 乙烯基, 磁带, and other odd tidbits, dating back to the 1960s. 走进这家商店,就像走在过去的旋风中. The blur of odd items was a bit overwhelming for me, but so fun for my mom, who was thoroughly engrossed in the records the moment we entered.