家乡: 亨普斯特德,纽约
易胜博app安卓下载活动: Chamber Choir, Rocket Club, Gospel Choir, Maqupellas, Tabletop Gaming, Ukulele Club
Most surprising when you first arrived at Groton: Seeing how quickly everyone got along with each other. 团队建设练习很有趣, but what really made it for me was hanging out in the mall that first night, 听好听的音乐, 打乒乓球, 遇见未来的朋友.
最喜欢的类: Probably Math or Latin because as you go on with each course, they become like a puzzle. 给你一个问题/翻译, 你被赋予了这样做的技能, 但这一切都取决于你自己, 有十亿种方法可以做到这一点.
最难忘的易胜博app安卓下载时刻: 我高三的10月19日. It was a Saturday Open Mic Night with some stellar performances. There was dance, rapping, pop, rock, soul, everything you could ask for. Then all the Third Form boys rushed back to the TV in the mall, where we watched Jose Altuve hit a walk-off home run against the Yankees. We placed bets on every at-bat, put our arms around each other, and held our breath with each pitch. 只是一个社区和乐趣的美好夜晚.
最喜欢的食堂食物: 什锦饭和煎饼
最喜欢学习的地方: The bubbles on the top floor of the Schoolhouse